HERO'S ELECTRIC VEHICLE Heroelectric bikes Hero electric started selling its vehicles not recently, they were selling the vehicles from the year 2007. This company's CEO and Director General of Society of Manufacturers of Electric Vehicles (SMEV) Mr.Sohinder Gill had a plan of manufacturing the electric bikes and make it possible for every normal citizen in INDIA. hence though it has the main office in New Delhi, so it has a connection to the heart of the nation. Mainly in this lockdown, it has many impacts on the south Indian society, especially in Tamil Nadu where the petrol hike has very much impact in typical middle-class society. though their mode of income if affected due to the lockdown of this pandemic. so they made up their mind to buy the electric vehicle. before that people used to think that it has less speed, so it was not even 2nd or 3rd choice, but everyone has their time maybe "heroelctric's" time is started now. it has captured many of workers a...